Workshop on Research: Reviving the Research Enthusiasm of the Lecturers

Workshop entitled Research Collaboration with Peer Universities was organized by English Language and Literature Department on Wednesday (31/1) at FBS Auditorium, Universitas Negeri Padang.

The workshop will be held offline and online via zoom meeting. The speaker in the first session in this workshop is Prof. Dr. Oktavianus, M.Hum. from Andalas University, discussing about the research methodology in the field of Linguistics. While the second speaker in the second session is Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, M.Pd. from Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, talking about quantitative, qualitative, mix method, and RnD research methodologies.

The aim of this workshop is for lecturers and students to gain experiences outside the campus in the form of research. The Chief Committee, Dr. Hamzah, MA, MM, hopes that the research can involve the lecturers and students from fellow universities. He also added that this workshop is part of the department’s program related to IKU 3 and IKU 6.

In the same occasion, the Head of English Language and Literature Department, Dr. Yuli Tiarina, S.Pd., M.Pd., added that this workshop aims to review material regarding research for lecturers so that it can be shared in class to the students, as well as to be applied in carrying out research later on. In addition, it is important for the lecturers to analyse their research methods in the research proposal.

The same voice also stated by the Dean of Language and Art Faculty, Prof. Dr. Ermanto, S.Pd., M.Hum., that this workshop can be an encouragement for lecturers to be enthusiastic and to pay attention in researching and making research proposals. ( HY/RY)

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