English Language and Literature Department held a workshop on the Preparation of Learning Materials on Tuesday (16/1) until Thursday (18/1). This workshop, that was attended by the lecturers, was held at the FBS auditorium, Universitas Negeri Padang.
The speakers on this workshop are Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A., and Dr. Suharyadi, M.Pd. from Universitas Negeri Malang. Head of English Language and Literature Department, Dr. Yuli Tiarina, M.Pd., said that there are a lot of similarities between Universitas Negeri Malang and Universitas Negeri Padang, especially in the curriculum. She hoped that this workshop could help lecturers of English Departement in preparing the module handbook for next semester.
The Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Prof. Dr. Ermanto, S.Pd., on his opening speech mentioned the importance of this workshop since it is related to the key performance indicators on IKU 7. The learning process should be in Case Based or Team Based Project as it is expected in IKU 7. He also added that the lecturers should prepare all of the learning materials and Semester Module handbook (RPS) in the e-learning before the class starts.
At the end of this this workshop, Dr. Yuli Tiarina, M.Pd. hopes that the lecturers can modify and rearrange the existing Lesson Plan based on the guidance that has been given by the speakers. ( HY /RY) Â