Four lecturers from the English Language and Literature Department, Universitas Negeri Padang, were invited to take part in the socialization of Apostille and Sworn Translator Services by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of West Sumatera, which was held at the TripleTree Hotel Bukittinggi for two days (4-5/3).
This socialization was attended by the Head of English Language and Literature Department, Dr. Yuli Tiarina, S.Pd, M.Pd., Coordinator of the English Literature Study Program, Delvi Wahyuni, S.S, MA, lecturer and member of the Indonesian Translation Association, Witri Oktavia, S.Pd, M.Pd, and lecturer in Japanese translation, Maulluddul Haq, S.Hum., M.Arts. In this occasion, three students, Annisa Tul Khair, Dinda Syukrina, and M. Wisnu Purbo, also took part in this socialization.
The aim of this socialization is to provide insight to the public about the process of legalizing documents for overseas use, the role of sworn translators and the apostolic process. This apostille process also aims to eliminate the traditional legalization requirements, and replace the legalization process with the issuance of a single apostille certificate by a competent authority in the origin country of the document. The documents that usually require this process are legal documents such as birth certificates, family cards, diplomas, etc.
In the opening speech, the Head of the Legal and Human Rights Services Division, Puliana Pendah Harsiwi, S.H., M.M hoped that the academics and students who attended this socialization could become a bridge of information for people who still do not know the ins and outs of translating official state documents. ( HAQ/HY)