Nine PKM Teams from English Language and Literature Department passed the University Selection

12 PKM proposals from Language and Arts passed the university level selection, and nine of them were proposals from the English Language and Literature Department, and the other three were from the Indonesian Language and Literature Department.

The announcement of the 2024 University Level PKM Proposal Selection came out on Wednesday (21/2). The selection has gone through the reviewing process, analyzing and assessing process for nine sectors of the PKM proposals. These proposals will proceed to the national selection in

Delvi Wahyuni, as the coordinator of English Language Literature Program and also as the advisors of ELLP PKM teams expressed her gratitude and appreciation to all students and lecturers who have involved in this year PKM. She also hoped that some of the proposals will be funded and accepted for PIMNAS 2024 which will be held in Surabaya. ( HY/RY)

Congratulations and good luck for the teams.

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